What Is a Slot?

A narrow depression, perforation, notch, or slit; especially one for the reception of something fitted or sliding into it, as a coin or letter. Also: a period of time or position within a schedule or sequence. Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance.

In computer science, a storage location that is part of the file system. In most operating systems, there are several slots that can be used to store files. For example, the Linux kernel supports both ext3 and ext4 file systems, and each of these has several slots.

The low-cost airline has 40 landing slots at the two airports.

On a woodworking table, the machined opening in the main cast-iron surface that is parallel to a saw blade; also known as a mitre slot. Mitre slots are often complemented by commercially available T-slot nuts that can be slid into the inverted T shape of the slot, to secure manufactured or shop made jigs or fixtures (such as a tenon jig) to the table.

The track or trail left by a deer; any such track, trace, or path. Also, in sports, the unmarked area in front of the goal between the face-off circles on an ice hockey rink. Also, in linguistics, the special grammatical function of a position in a construction into which any number of morphemes may fit, as in I put the box into the slot. (Compare slit, notch, and aperture.)

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